Facts from LIMRA
Who owns life insurance
- More than half of American adults (57%) own some type of life insurance.
- Three in 10 Americans have life insurance coverage at work; 4 in 10 Americans have individual coverage.
- Women are less likely to own life insurance than men. Just 56% of women own life insurance, compared with 62% of men.
- Only 4 in 10 children (under 18) own any life insurance.
Why do Americans own life insurance?
- Half of consumers say they would use life insurance proceeds to replace income if the primary wage-earner died.
- The top three reasons Americans give for owning life insurance:
- Cover burial and final expenses (91%)
- Help replace lost wages/income of a wage earner (66%)
- Transfer wealth or leave an inheritance (63%)
What prevents consumers from owning life insurance?
- The top three reason to not purchase (or to not purchase more) life insurance:
- It is too expensive (63%)
- Have other financial priorities (61%)
- Already have enough coverage (62%)
- Millennials are the most likely to overestimate the price of term life insurance. Four in 10 millennials estimated the cost of a $250,000 term life policy for a healthy 30-year-old at $1,000 or more (actual average cost is $160 per year).